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Hurricane Prepared Week, May 24 -30

Once again we have reached the Atlantic Hurricane Season. Old hands know this is the time of year to check your emergency supplies, check your "GO Kit" and update your evacuation plans. Natives to the Lowcountry also know that this is not something to be ignored or put off until the storm warnings start making the evening news. Tropical cyclones, also known as tropical storms and hurricanes are serious weather events that cause severe damage to property, geography and personal injury and death. New comers to our area especially need to get prepared in case a storm impacts South Carolina.

South Carolina and Charleston County have stopped issuing voluntary evacuation notices. If an evacuation is deemed necessary, it will be mandatory! NO EXCEPTIONS! If you, a neighbor or family member needs special assistance to evacuate, please plan to leave before the official notification is given so you have time to get out. Charleston County has been divided into evacuation zones. James Island is in Zone A.

There are a few simple steps to take to get prepared. Have a Plan. Discuss with your family what you are going to do, when you will be doing it and where you will be going. Make a Kit. Make a "GO Kit" (Get Out Kit) that has what you will need to survive for at least 72 hours. Include water, food, medications, first aid kit and a change of clothes as a minimum. Stay informed. Check the weather reports, especially the tropical forecasts, regularly. Also, be aware of road closures, construction delays and other activity that could impact your evacuation route. Get Involved. Find out how to be prepared by looking up information on-line or attending a preparedness workshop. Take classes in First Aid and CPR. Join the local CERT Team or other volunteer organization that helps out in emergencies.

Residents of James Island are invited to contact The Town of James Island for more information on how they can get prepared, make a kit or get involved. Some on-line resources that are available are: