Contact: Kristen Crane, Planning Director
Email: kcrane@jamesislandsc.us
Phone: (843) 795.4141
The Planning & Zoning Department is comprehensive in that it touches on almost every aspect of local government at the Town level. The primary role of the Planning Director is to oversee the implementation and enforcement of regulations and ordinances as set forth in the Town of James Island Zoning and Land Development Regulations Ordinance (ZLDR). For Zoning Maps, please click here.
The Planning Director works with developers to ensure compliance with Town standards and the ZLDR when new development or re-development occurs. Commercial development and re-development must comply with the ZLDR in multiple areas; the Planning Director must ensure compliance when dealing with sign regulations, tree surveys, site plan reviews, site improvements, special events and proper buffering. Please click here for resources regarding landscape buffers. In addition to commercial development, the Planning & Zoning Department assists residents with planning and zoning related inquiries and issues such as home occupations, grand tree removal permits, accessory structures and plat reviews. Please click here for more information on the grand tree removal process.
In addition to the above-mentioned duties, the Planning Director acts as a liaison to the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals by advising these groups on planning and zoning-related issues by preparing staff reviews, posting notices, formulating member packets, creating reports and preparing presentations for variances, special exceptions, appeals of administrative decisions, reconsiderations, zoning and land development regulations text amendments and zoning map amendments.
Town of James Island Comprehensive Plan