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Town Hall

Liollio JamesJames Island Town Hall is located at 1122 Dills Bluff Road.   We moved from our old location in a storefront at the Camp Road Center and opened for business on July 30th, 2018.

A community meeting was held in August of 2016 to unveil the proposed design for the new James Island Town Hall. Designed by Liollio Architecture, the facility is approximately 6,000 square feet and consists of Frances Simmons Town Council Chambers and Ashley Kellahan Administrative Office Building.

In October 2015, the community was engaged in a design charrette to help define the vision of the architectural language. The design explores a local vernacular familiar to James Island, embracing a restrained and sensible structure conveying a simple interior and exterior tied to a linear plan., with a “front porch” that welcomes all visitors.

The facility was constructed to withstand a major hurricane, with shutters to protect office windows.  It is also hardened against earthquakes and includes a generator to protect from power outages.

Town Hall is environment friendly.  All parking utilizes pervious pavement, with stormwater runoff directed into a managed wetland which includes many flowering plants  such as swamp sunflowers and iris.   Solar Panels were added to the Town Hall Office Building in December 2022.