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Town Closed on Pinckney Park Property

The Town of James Island closed on the purchase of Pinckney Park Thursday. On behalf of all James Islanders, I want to thank Mr. Jerome Harris for providing this opportunity for everyone to enjoy the beauty of the land that has been in the Pinckney family for so many years. The funds for the $890,000 purchase come from the Town's urban allocation of the Charleston County Greenbelt Fund. I want to thank the staff at Charleston County Greenbelt as well as County Council. I especially want to thank Councilman Joe Qualey for asking for the return of the Town's Greenbelt allocation after our reincorporation in 2012.

We are very excited about the potential for this new Park. Please visit the Park at our open house on Sunday, August 23 from 1 to 5. Pinckney Park is at 461 Fort Johnson Road. Also, come to our public workshop and give your input about how the Park will be used on Thursday, August 27 at 5:30 at Town Hall.

Mayor Bill Woolsey